
Signature of Commitment letter for the Electronic Personal Health Record for migrants and refugees

Signature of Commitment letter for the Electronic Personal Health Record for migrants and refugees

The UN Migration Agency (IOM) in Cyprus and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus signed a Joint Commitment for the implementation of the "Electronic Personal Health Record as a Tool for Integration of Migrants and Refugees in the Health System".


Through the Commitment of 16th March 2018, IOM Cyprus and the Ministry of Health are launching a new era of cooperation, with actions aimed at providing newly arrived migrants and refugees with access to healthcare and continuity of care. The "Electronic Personal Health Record as a Tool for Integration of Migrants and Refugees in the Health System" contributes in the further consolidation of the use of the e-PHR tool within the framework of a harmonised approach at EU-level, for the provision of healthcare services.


The Head of the UN Migration Agency (IOM) in Cyprus, Ms Natasa Xenophontos-Koudouna stated inter alia that "thanks to the immediate piloting of the action in reception centres such as those of Kofinou and Kokkinotrimithia, a very important step is taken to the provision of healthcare services to migrants and refugees. The action will ensure that the beneficiaries’ concerns are better addressed while encouraging their integration into local society."


The action "Electronic Personal Health Record as a Tool for Integration of Migrants and Refugees in the Health System (e-PHR)” is aimed at supporting EU Member-States with increased migratory pressure to respond to health challenges. The action is also in line with the Sustainable Development goals: effective migration management, universal access to health services and the commitments of Member-States against exclusion (leave no one behind).


The action is co-funded by the amended 3rd EU Health Program with a direct grant agreement to the UN Migration Agency (IOM) by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Food Safety and Health (DG SANTE) through the Executive Agency for Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food (CHAFEA).


For more information:


Dimitris Tsagalas, Communications Assistant, IOM Cyprus, Tel: +357 22 77 22 70
